The Landworkers’ Alliance is a union of farmers, growers, foresters and land-based workers.

Feedback for us

If you have any comments, critiques, considerations, compliments, complaints, about anything the Landworkers Alliance is or isn’t up to, do let us know your thought. We love feedback, it keeps a system healthy. Please fill in this quick form.

Membership / Supporter / Donation Queries

Please contact

Requests for work, volunteering or internships

We are currently not recruiting for any roles but please read our newsletters for any announcements. We currently do not offer any volunteer or internship placements directly with the LWA, but keep an eye out in the newsletter or on the forum for any members looking for volunteers or workers.

Academic/Research Enquiries

Please look at the Agroecology Research Collaboration to see if it fits your area of research/work.

Membership Support / Advice

Currently the LWA does not have capacity or resources to help individual members or potential members on their specific projects, farms or programmes. We get a lot of requests for individual support and would love to have the time to respond to each request in full. We are fundraising for a new role for somebody to focus on membership support and services as we have identified it is a gap in our offering so please watch this space. Having said that, if your query is critical and urgent please email including the word URGENT in the subject header and it will get picked up and we can try our best to help.

Contacting Individual Staff

Please take the time to explore our staff page here to see who the most relevant contact for your enquiry is.

Our addresses format is

Please bear in mind we all work part time and have limited capacity to respond to enquiries outside our core areas of work.

You can also find information under the About Us header about branch and regional organising, and identity groups within the LWA membership.

Press/Media Enquiries:

For any queries relating to press please email

Merchandise/calendar Enquiries

For any enquiries to do with shop sales including the calendar please email

To Include an Item in Our Newsletter:

You can fill in this quick form to submit it to be included in the next bulletin/newsletter. The deadline to submit is the end of Friday each week for the following week’s member bulletin. With the same form you can also submit to the monthly non-member newsletter which goes out in the first week of the month.

All Other Enquiries:

For any other enquiries that are URGENT please email with the word ‘urgent’ in the subject header and we will do our best to help.

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Growing Arable Crops in A Mixed System

Below is a selection of resources that look at the agroecological production of arable crops in a mixed system.


Mixed farming through collaboration – pdf

This document looks at organic management techniques to improve the sustainability of non-organic farming.

It provides information on arable and livestock farmers working together to deliver mixed farming and lists the main agronomic, economic and/or ecological value you can expect to gain from applying the method. Access it here.


Bockhanger Farms: a Case Study – video 

This short case study from DiverIMPACTS, Andy Howard, Director of Bockhanger Farms in Kent, shares his insights and expertise in intercropping – the benefits, risks and payoffs. This video covers wide rotations, intercrops and supplying lentils to Hodmedods. Watch it here. 


Getting Started with Agroecological Farming: a Conversation with David Rose and George Young – podcast

David Rose and George Young share their experiences of moving towards an agroecological approach. David, a mixed farmer from Home Farm in Nottinghamshire, talks about collaborating with others to create joint enterprises, including reintegrating sheep in his rotation and establishing an agroforestry system. George Young from Fobbing Farms in Essex tells us how he is integrating a wide range of crops into the arable rotation to provide greater resilience through diversity, and highlights some of the practicalities and rewards of getting out of the commodity trap. Listen here. 


Diversity In Plant Breeding – pdf

Organic crop production requires plant varieties that are resistant to disease, competitive against weeds and effective at scavenging for nutrients. This leaflet summarises information about the Organic Research Centre (ORC) Wakelyns Population. The huge diversity it offers fits well with the requirements of both low-input and organic farming. The leaflet explains that the benefits of diversity of wheat populations is understood within agriculture but until recently has not been a viable option. It sets the ORC Wakelyns Population in context with sections on breeding for organic/low input systems, the importance of diversity, defining what a ‘population’ is, and describing the ‘buffering effect.’ Read it here. 


Virtual Field Day: Crop Mixtures – video 

Crop mixtures (growing of two or more crops together) have been found to have beneficial impacts on weed control, standing ability, pest and disease control, and to contribute to increased or more stable yield per land area.

This virtual field day, held on August 11th 2020 and in collaboration between Agricology and James Hutton Institute and the SEAMS and DIVERSify projects, brings together insights from farmer experience and scientific research into the role of crop mixtures to address different agronomic issues and discuss some of the practicalities and end uses. Watch it here. 

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